Friday, July 1, 2011

Random Thoughts 1

When there is a free preview of specialty channels, those of us who pay for it should get a discount.

If "He's not special, he puts his pants on one leg at a time like everyone else" is true and I sit on the edge of the bed and put both legs at the same time, does that make me better?

If you use a hand towel after you wash your hands, how does the towel get so freakin' dirty?

When I worked full time, I never discussed my weekend on Monday mornings.  I figured that if anyone was interested in what I did on the weekend, they would ask.  I also figured that asking someone else about their weekend was being nosy.

If I see the word "vintage" on a craft site one more time I might scream.

"Scrubbing Bubbles" bathroom cleaner is amazing!  I like it so much I'm going to buy the company.  OK maybe not but it is amazing stuff.

Is it just me or is seeing cool pictures on line a drag because you don’t know if they are real or photo shopped?

I never really knew what "At the end of my rope" or "Holding on by my fingertips" really meant until my first depressive crash or breakdown or whatever you want to call it.


  1. These are so true except I don't know about those Scrubbing Bubbles. I will have to give them a try. I think perhaps most pictures we see online are photo shopped because why not? (except for mine, which I took with my cell just to give people an idea of who they are talking to--I keep thinking I'm going to take a "nice" one but you know, I just really don't give a damn.
    I hope you gain more rope to play with--very soon. Thinking of you.

  2. Hope you have a good weekend. I love that scrubbing bubbles too!!I should write down my random thoughts too...mmmmm would be interesting. Hugs,Kim

  3. "I never really knew what "At the end of my rope" or "Holding on by my fingertips" really meant until my first depressive crash or breakdown or whatever you want to call it."

    One just has to have been there to know what it really feels like... it's difficult to explain to someone...

    I'm wishing for more rope for you as well...


  4. checking to see if we have 'scrubbing bubbles' in Ireland. Very curious about it now.

  5. Yes!! Scrubbing Bubbles is amazing! Never clean a bathtub without it!

  6. I'm working up the courage to put a real live photo of me. Trouble is I hardly recognize myself anymore. Maybe I'll do a before and after.
    Even if the pics are photoshopped somebody had to be creative enough to come up with the idea right?
    I wouldn't go so far as to say my random thoughts are interesting but sometimes I have to spit these things out so they don't get stuck in my head like a bad song. I do love hearing random thoughts from others, it can say something about a person.
    Thanks for the wishes about rope I have enough for a really good grip now but not so much that I can get myself into trouble.
