Friday, June 24, 2011

My peacock (sort of)

So I'm finding that the more I blog, mostly about depression, the more my creativity is coming to me naturally.  I put away the "exercise books" for the time being and letting myself do what I feel like and not doing what I don't feel like. This has led me to have a number of projects on the go and I'm o.k. with that.  Used to be I would refuse to start something new till the old thing was done and so I would go long spells doing nothing. 

Currently I have:  a crochet blanket to finish, a hooked rug to finish (this may be a lost cause) a mandala to finish beading, a cq wall hanging to put finishing touches on, a cq wall hanging that I haven't sewn together yet although Pam Kellogg has a fabulous new tutorial on how to assemble and finish a crazy quilt so I'm glad I waited, a few blocks that I have yet to embellish and finally my sort of peacock.

Now I know this last picture is quite large and not of the best quality but I would like some advice.  Should I embellish the body some more?  Does the wing look stupid? and Does he look like he's pooping colored ribbon?  I would appreciate any critiques (be gentle) and/or suggestions.


  1. This is beautiful Jo. More subtle embellishment on the body would be cool. The wing is totally beautiful and I see no pooping going on.

  2. I think it looks fabulous. Perhaps, maybe some head feathers?

  3. Oh I LOVE that peacock! That is wonderful!!

    Keep up your work and remain focused!


  4. How blooming lovely is that, I am very envious of your creativity, I struggle to sew on a button! I think blogging/writing/expressing ourselves within our writing comes hand in hand with creativity. Sometimes my writing just flows so smoothly it makes me feel so much better just by letting it all out, other times, I can't even string a sentence together! Know what I mean? :)

  5. The peacock is coming along real well, and as your other posts say... no sign of pooping LOL. 'Does the wing look stupid?' Ouch... I hope you were joking because otherwise you were being really hard on yourself. It looks great. I'm curious about what you said about multiple projects... I used to be like that too and for me it was because of perfectionism. Is that true for you too? Keep posting. Med x
