Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Here's a block on CQ no. 3

I started over fresh with a new quilt.  This is the first block.  I'm still working on how to get a decent photo but you get the idea.  I'm doing this one in pink, blue and purple and started with the seams.  My embroidery is quite uneven so I used lots of ribbon and a tatted edging for one seam.
I did the tatting myself with a needle.  I have tried on a number of occasions to learn to tat with a shuttle but have so for been pretty unsuccessful.  I managed a short chain using this video,  This is the only one I have been able to find that really shows how to do "the flip".  I think I really need someone to walk me through the steps one on one but I have been unable to find a teacher in my area.

This is the first one I did.  I didn't do all the seams on this one because I didn't know I was supposed to.  I was also concerned about the embellishments being too much but if I had it to do over again, I would add more.  More is better as far as I'm concerned. 

I would love to hear comments and suggestions from CQers and any others.

1 comment:

  1. Hi! I think you are doign great. Thats fantastic about the tatting too. I cant tat, I tried before with a shuttle and made the biggest mess. I bet hurry up and do some seams on my block and get it posted. Hope you have a good day! Hugs, Kim
